Geocache Permission Process

  1. Upon request by someone to place a geocache on a WLT property, this person will be emailed the Westmoreland Land Trust (WLT) “Request to Place a Geocache Form” to fill out along with the WLT Geocache Policy.


  1. Once the WLT “Request to Place a Geocache Form” is returned to WLT, a Stewardship Committee member or designee will visit the location of the proposed cache(s) and report back to the committee on whether or not the location is appropriate and acceptable in light of any concerns that the trust might have. This visit will take place within approximately one month of receipt of the completed Identification Form.


  1. If the location is deemed acceptable, the person requesting permission will be granted permission, via an email, from WLT.


NOTE:  Geocache site location approval is subject to review by Westmoreland Land Trust.