Openness and Transparency Policy

The Board of Westmoreland Land Trust intends that the Board conduct itself in an atmosphere that is open and transparent with the goal of enhancing trust and understanding. Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, the Board will provide to all Westmoreland Land Trust Board members and the public relevant information affecting them and the actions of the Board in a timely fashion.

The Board will continue to use its resources to assure that this policy is achieved. Recognizing that openness requires ongoing effort, the Board will work to build effective communication internally and with the public. To accomplish these ends we shall:

  1. Share on a timely basis with all Board members and other interested parties:
    1. Board discussion and decisions made in non-executive sessions as recorded in the Board minutes of the meeting.
    2. The statement of financial position of Westmoreland Land Trust.
    3. The general policies of Westmoreland Land Trust and the Board as may be adopted by the Board.
    4. Agendas of up coming Board meetings.
    5. Information of the governance structure of the Westmoreland Land Trust.
    6. Such other important information as the Board may determine should be disseminated.
  1. Balance desire for openness in its actions with sensitivity to privacy, confidentiality, and the need for free and frank discussion of issues at the Board level, but with the balance towards openness and disclosure.

Adopted by the Westmoreland Land Trust Board of Directors on September 24, 2008.


The mission of the Westmoreland Land Trust is to conserve and steward lands and waters of Westmoreland County that harbor ecological, scenic or recreational qualities to offer a healthier and more sustainable future for all.