The Westmoreland Land Trust (WLT) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, and donations to WLT are tax-deductible (ID #77-0710733). It is the support of donors and volunteers that make our work possible!
Cash donations directly support WLT’s conservation of special places in Westmoreland County, and care of conserved lands. Donations and bequests are fundamental to WLT’s work. Donors can pursue possible tax benefits while enjoying the benefit of knowing that they are doing something important and long-lasting for the community.
Donations may be made online, by mailing a check to Westmoreland Land Trust / 218 Donohoe Road / Greensburg, PA / 15601, or by ACH funds transfer.
A possibility for those receiving required minimum distributions is to make a tax-free donation directly from your IRA account.
One may also wish to consider a gift of securities or discuss possibilities for planned giving. Please call or email for more information about either of these possibilities.
Donation of land is one of the finest legacies you can leave to future generations. Please call or email for information about possible donation of land.