Twin Lakes Meadow

Twin Lakes Meadow is a 17-acre native meadow whose gently rolling fields blossom with colorful wildflowers from spring to fall.  Created as a pilot for the establishment of future meadows to enrich habitat for pollinator species and other wildlife, the meadow is a wonderful place to look for birds and butterflies.  A descriptive brochure is available at an Information Kiosk for the meadow.

Mowed walking paths provide sweeping views of the meadow and the nearby forest, as well as close-up photo opportunities and sensory encounters with blooming wildflowers.  The grass paths are not wheelchair or stroller accessible, but they are child-friendly and leashed dogs are welcome.

Twin Lakes Meadow is open to the public and is easily accessed from the northernmost parking lot in the Peach Plaza Expansion Area of Twin Lakes County Park.  Restrooms, playgrounds, and picnic facilities are available elsewhere at this site.

Twin Lakes Meadow was established by the Westmoreland Land Trust, and is maintained in partnership with Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Department.  The meadow’s land was acquired in 2017 by Westmoreland County working in partnership with the Westmoreland Land Trust.   The meadow was actively converted from farmland to native meadow using a seed mix of indigenous plants designed to support native bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, and other wildlife.  Birders, naturalists, gardeners, and families will find a visit to Twin Lakes Meadow a rewarding experience.

Flowers you might see on your visit include Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristate), Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata and Coreopsis tinctoria), Black-eyed Susan and Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta and Rudbeckia triloba), Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella), Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum), Bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis), and Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa).

In conjunction with Westmoreland Pollinator Partners, Twin Lakes Meadow became one of Westmoreland County’s 250+ certified Monarch Waystations in 2023.  Volunteers are always welcome to assist with maintenance of the meadow, particularly during the growing season.


To reach Twin Lakes Meadow from points west (Pittsburgh/Allegheny County) 

Follow the Parkway East (I-376) to Monroeville and take the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76) to Exit 67 (Irwin).  Take US Route 30 east past Greensburg.  Just past Westmoreland Mall, turn left onto Sheraton Drive and then merge onto Donohoe Road. In 1.2 miles, turn left at the four-way stop onto Georges Station Road.  Continue 0.7 miles and turn right onto the north end of Streetpark Loop.  As you drive in, the mowed walkway to the meadow from the lowest parking area along Streetpark Loop will be visible on your left.

To reach Twin Lakes Meadow from points east (Ligonier Highlands) 

Follow US Route 30 west toward Greensburg. At the intersection near Red Lobster,  turn right onto Georges Station Road.  Continue 1.6 miles and turn right onto the north end of Streetpark Loop.  As you drive in, the mowed walkway to the meadow from the lowest parking area along Streetpark Loop will be visible on your left.